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What to Expect From a Free Consultation

So your smile’s missing something. Whether you’re not unhappy with its appearance, function, or overall health, there’s a path forward. The first step? A free consultation with our team.

Consultations make some patients nervous, but there’s really nothing to fear. If you’re stressing about this appointment, being prepared to talk with our team will help you feel more comfortable. Read on for a guide to exactly what questions we’ll ask, your initial exam, and what the following steps. If you’re ready to schedule your own consultation, just get in touch.

Complimentary Consultations with Tompkins Dental

Our consultations are free, so that you have a chance to learn more without feeling pressured to make any kind of commitment. It’s crucial that you take the time and effort to consider your options before you choose a restorative or cosmetic procedure, and we’ll help you through that process. Here’s what we’ll do at your first appointment:

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